How to plant trees

How to plant trees

How to plant trees is a very important question, the personal reasoning behind planting trees can be varied, it may be for the trees visual effect on the space, structures and the buildings, or the effect that it has on the given back yard. It may be for the ornamental effect during a particular season, e.g. the spring and the summer season when the trees blossom and bloom. Or it could be for the splash of colors that insidious trees perform during the autumn season. Watch this YouTube video.

Trees are have another practical side, they provide shade and protection, especially in the warmer and hot climates, trees are ideal place for birds to nest and rest from the heat of the mid summer sun, not only for people, but also for live stock, domestic animals and other animals and birds.
In the wild animals and birds often rest and sleep under or in the shade of a tree during the heat of the day. During a heavy rain birds also find shelter under the canopy of a tree, and at the same time are protected from their predators from the ground.

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Trees also are a great resource for food, the most common trees for food source are; fruit trees, and nut trees.
These are some of the many multi-tasking and convenience that trees generously give for humans, birds, bees, butterflies, insects and other animals:

  • Provide cool shade
  • Shelter and protection from predators
  • A place for birds to build a nest in
  • A great food source, aroma therapy, and visual enlightenment
  • Natural fiber material from the wood, leaves and flowers for domestic use
  • Decorations and as disposable plates
  • Firewood for cooking and for winter warmth
  • Manufacturing of paper and cardboard
  • Constructing material for buildings and housing

Here are many resources of useful information on this web site on How To Plant Trees.  You will find much useful information and links to expert advice and Resources that you need when learning How To Plant Trees.

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